ын зовлонд унагах тэр нүгэл нь энэ насанд нэрвэнэ. Гэвч бүү ай. Урьд төрлийн нүгэл, асрал нигүүлсэл, э-бам, судар дандрын ѐс, нийгэмд хүргэх тус, хүч үл хэрэглэх зарчим,энх амгаланAbstract
Keeping in mind of the Buddhist deep thought by the Zanabazar (1635-1723), who was spiritual head of the Mongolian Buddhism, we try to make some analyses on his works of Buddhist philosophy namely “Prayer for creating peaceful time”, “The meditation on the deep meaning of mantra Maani” and “Soyombo -“Self arising wisdom or letters”.
In the above mentioned works, he emphasized that any conflicts and issues should be decided by the way of right mind and wisdom as like loving kindness and compassion for the benefit of all living beings not through violent actions such as anger, jealousy and hatred etc. And he explained the deep meaning of Mantra “Maani” from the views of tantrayana (esoteric) that “Maani”is expression in the unity of mind (upaya) and wisdom (prajna), in the non dualistic concept of the two truths as the conventional and ultimate ones and in the interdependence of bliss and emptiness.
Concerning the Soyombo, it is not only holy letters arisen in his brain, it is clear realization of innate great bliss taught in Mahayana and the Highest yoga tantra in particular, by his deep meditation of serenity and insight.
Buddhist philosophy in both of sutra (exoteric) and tantra (esoteric) through the attached philosophy works by him here