Хятад Ганжуур Данжуур, Их сангийн ном, Тэнгэр Тэтгэгч хаан, Бар хэвлэлAbstract
The article will describe the Chinese Buddhist canons and its’ historical development. Chinese people collected and edited Buddhist canons from ancient time, called it “Whole canons”. Later they called it “Great treasury Sutras”, which means fund and treasury for preserving and protecting Buddhist texts. It is being consisted of Vinya pitaka, Sutra pitaka and Abhidharma pitaka. It is equivalent with Tibetan Kangyur /the translation of word/and Tenguyr /translation of the treatises/.
The Chinese Buddhist canons were being disseminated in Chinese, Japanese, Korean and Vietnamese languages in particular Asian countries in different historical periods. It edited consecutively 8 times during Song (960-1276)and Jin dynasty (1115-1234), 2 times during Yuan dynasty (1206-1368), 4 times during Min dynasty (1368-1644), 1 times during Qing dynasty (1644-1911), 7 times in Japan and 3 times in Korea, 4 times China. Currently there are 29 printing and xylographical versions of Chinese Buddhist canons existing. The most significant and perfect version of Chinese Kangyur and Tengyur was edited and printed during the Qianlong Emperor (1711-1799), who was the sixth emperor of the Manchu- led Qing Dynasty.