Өвөр Монголд дэлгэрсэн “Шүйху-гийн үлгэр”-ийн монгол орчуулгын шинжлэл

The Written Dissemination of the Mongolian-Translated Edition of ‘Shui Hu’ in Inner Mongo-lia Region


  • Дагуул
  • Жинь Рүн


DOI: 10.22353/ms20234736


‘Shui Hu’ was translated into Mongolian during the late Qing Dynasty and began to be disseminated in Inner Mongolia in written form. Based on the changes and advancements in the dissemination of the Mongolian-translated version of ‘Shui Hu’ in Inner Mongolia, it can be divided into three periods: the late Qing Dynasty period characterized by written dissemination, the Republican era period characterized by written dissemination, and the period since the 1960s and 1970s characterized by written dissemination. During the late Qing Dynasty, handwritten versions of the Mongolian-translated edition of ‘Shui Hu’ actively circulated, with around 100 to 120 handwritten copies in existence. In the Republican era, lithographic editions of the book enjoyed widespread dissemination. Since the 1960s and 1970s, the reprints or simplified versions of the Mongolian-translated edition have predominantly been disseminated in the form of pictures. The written dissemination of ‘Shui Hu’ exhibits unique characteristics, including diverse versions, creative translation techniques, various editions, and a focus on catering to readers demands.




How to Cite

Дагуул, & Жинь Рүн. (2024). Өвөр Монголд дэлгэрсэн “Шүйху-гийн үлгэр”-ийн монгол орчуулгын шинжлэл: The Written Dissemination of the Mongolian-Translated Edition of ‘Shui Hu’ in Inner Mongo-lia Region. Mongolian Studies, 47(597), 432–436. Retrieved from https://journal.num.edu.mn/ms/article/view/8845



Шүүмж, тэмдэглэл