Ховогсайрын Торгуудын уртын дуун дахь морины зүсмийн бэлгэдэл

Symbolic Meanings of Horse Colors in the Long Songs of the Torguts in Hovogsair


  • Бадамцэцэг Н.


Уртын дуу, морины зүсэм, бэлгэдэл, Ховогсайрын торгууд, Намжаагийн Нaмжав


DOI: 10.22353/ms20234726


In this article I have analyzed three long songs “Alia tsavidar morin”, “Galzan Hoo”, “Nariihan saikhan kheer” of Hovogsair’s torguts. In long songs related to Mongolian horses, the colors of those horses are symbolized and various meanings are expressed. Namjav Namjaa is a unique singer who was born among the Torgut people of Hovogsair, Xinjiang, and his long songs are still sung at weddings. Among the songs Namjav sings, three songs are about the color of horses, and we have analyzed these three songs. The characters of the horse and the color of the horse and in the long song of Hovogsair’s Torguts conveys important and deeply ideas In the song “Alia tsavidar mori”, the state is symbolized by “buural” color and buddizm is symbolized by “bumba (cupping glass)” stamp. He also song a song combining the state and religion, symbolizing religion with the “khürd (wheel)” stamp and the monastery. In general, this song symbolizes peace for all. Also in the song “Galzan hoo”, the Hoo galzan and Galzan hoo horses are used as symbolic characters, clearly expressing the feelings of a person who misses his mother and country. In the song of the third song, “Nariikhan saikhan kheer”, the lover’s song shows the feeling of longing for a loved one who is sitting far away with the symbol of three horse colors: “kheer”, “khar” and “khüren”. These songs are symbolized pease for all.




How to Cite

Н., Б. (2024). Ховогсайрын Торгуудын уртын дуун дахь морины зүсмийн бэлгэдэл: Symbolic Meanings of Horse Colors in the Long Songs of the Torguts in Hovogsair. Mongolian Studies, 47(597), 355–362. Retrieved from https://journal.num.edu.mn/ms/article/view/8835



Утга зохиол, урлаг судлал