Юань Улсын дуурьлигийн зарим монгол үгээр дундад үеийн монгол хэлний авиазүйн онцлогийг илрүүлэх нь

Detecting the phonetic features of Medieval Mongolian through some Mongolian words in Yuan Plays


  • Эгшиг Ш.
  • Бай Тинтин


Юань улсын дуурьлиг, Юанийн ший жүжиг, дундад үеийн монгол хэл, авиазүй, ойрх үеийн хятад хэл


DOI: 10.22353/ms20234721


During the 13th-14th centuries when the Yuan dynasty existed, the Mongolian and Chinese nationalities were under the same government and had extensive relations in terms of politics, economy, religion and culture, many Mongolian words occured in the Yuan Plays of that time. Mongolian words encountered in the Yuan Plays’ scripts of the Yuan Dynasty were phonetically recorded in Chinese, making it possible to know the pronunciation of Mongolian words at that time. Therefore, through the phonetic system of the Mongolian and Chinese languages of the XIII-XIV centuries we were comparing these mongolian words in historical sources like “Mongolian Secret History”, “Hua-i i-yu Chinese-Mongolian dictionary”, “Zhong yuan yin yun (中原音韵)” , “Historical Linguistics of the Mongolian Language”, “Phonology of the Chinese Language (汉语音韵)”, “Sketches of the History of the Chinese Language (汉语史稿)”, and after analysing them, the phonetics features are clarified.




How to Cite

Ш., Э., & Бай Тинтин. (2024). Юань Улсын дуурьлигийн зарим монгол үгээр дундад үеийн монгол хэлний авиазүйн онцлогийг илрүүлэх нь: Detecting the phonetic features of Medieval Mongolian through some Mongolian words in Yuan Plays. Mongolian Studies, 47(597), 258–268. Retrieved from https://journal.num.edu.mn/ms/article/view/8830



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