“Саран хөхөөний намтар” тууж ба жүжгийн зохиолын харьцуулсан судалгаа
Comparative studies on novel and playscript of “Saran Khukhuu”
It is inarguable that first chapter of “Saran Khukhuu " was translated by Ravjaa. It has been proven by the phrases, statements, stylistic features consistent with Ravjaa’s style.
From the fourth chapter, Dai guush’s translation is used to develop further chapters. While translating Saran Khukhuu from Tibetan source, Ravjaa took some ideas from Dai guush’s translation.
In 1770, Dai gush Agvaandampil translated “Saran Khukhu” from a Tibetan source. Subsequently, Danzanravjaa composed his first musical play translating some chapters himself and using Dai guush’s translation.