Хятад хэлний хэлц үгийн бүтэц, онцлог, түүний заах аргын асуудалд
Structure and feature of Chinese phrases and its teaching methodology
хятад хэл, хэлц үг, хэлц үгийн онцлог, заах аргаAbstract
In this article, the author has explained the peculiarities of Chinese phrases; its literal meaning, figurative meaning and metaphorical meaning which strongly connect to its national mentality.
Chinese phrases reflect the history of China, its peoples’ lifestyle, culture, custom, economy and thinking. Teaching Chinese to Mongolian students, it is necessary to explain phrases from the point of etymology, lexicology, morphology and syntax base on the mentality of Mongolians and translating phrasal equivalents in Mongolian.
How to Cite
Л., С. (2023). Хятад хэлний хэлц үгийн бүтэц, онцлог, түүний заах аргын асуудалд: Structure and feature of Chinese phrases and its teaching methodology. Mongolian Studies, 36(386), 83–87. Retrieved from https://journal.num.edu.mn/ms/article/view/6140
Хэл шинжлэл