Дөрвөн Ойрадын хоорондох эрх мэдлийн өрсөлдөөн ба улс төрийн удирдагчдын өөрчлөлт

Power Struggle and Transition of Political leadership among the Four Oirats


  • Шим Хосунг


This paper discussed the political geography of the four Oyirads and then the political power struggles which finally led to the transition of the leadership, from the Khoshuds to the Zunghars, among the Oyirads in the 17th century. Through the above examination, this paper, firstly, was able to prove the centrality of the Khoshuds among the four Oyirads in terms of physical as well as political geography. Secondly, by investigating the real process of power struggles in the lands of the Oyirads in the 17th century, this paper also concluded that the Zunghars came to emerge as a powerful nomadic empire as a result of the internal rivalry among the four Oyirad groups to acquire the leadership. In other words, the victory of the Zunghars was never an inevitable result that originated from its internal development but a kind of unexpected result of the continuous competitions having done by the political forgoers such as Ablai or Očirtu Čečen Khan of the Khoshuds. In addition, the final victory of the Zunghars was possible because there was no longer powerful political contender in the Khoshuds after the fall of the once very powerful Očirtu Čečen Khan. 




How to Cite

Хосунг, Ш. (2023). Дөрвөн Ойрадын хоорондох эрх мэдлийн өрсөлдөөн ба улс төрийн удирдагчдын өөрчлөлт: Power Struggle and Transition of Political leadership among the Four Oirats . Mongolian Studies, 37(392), 168–176. Retrieved from https://journal.num.edu.mn/ms/article/view/5143



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