"Монголын нууц товчоон"-ны "buqa'u" хэмээх үгийн ойр тойронд шинжлэх нь

Analyses on buqa’u a word from The Secret History of the Mongols


  • Чоймаа Ш.


This paper stresses the importance of striding the transformation and inheritance of the words an compound words in modern Mongolian from the vocabulary of The Secret History of the Mongols, by thoroughly analysing the evolution of word bnha’u which occurs repeatedly in five different chapters of the chronicle. The conclusion is that the name of a punishment instrument worn on criminals’ neck and wrists was gradually transferred into a name of an ornament an further it was changed into the name of a body part, the lower end of the forearm in some Mongolian dialects such as Khalkha. In some Oirat dialects, for instance. Dörbed, Zakhchin, Torgut, Ö1öк Uriangkhai, Bait and Khoton. both wrist and bracelet share the same name huyuu. The paper also tackles the problem of the common origin of words bitka 'it, bugi, bitgiya from The Secret History of Mongols.




How to Cite

Ш., Ч. (2023). "Монголын нууц товчоон"-ны "buqa’u" хэмээх үгийн ойр тойронд шинжлэх нь: Analyses on buqa’u a word from The Secret History of the Mongols. Mongolian Studies, 35(367), 253–261. Retrieved from https://journal.num.edu.mn/ms/article/view/4957



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