Шүдтэй холбоотой нэр, хэллэгээс үндэстний сэтгэлгээний онцлогийг ажиглах нь

Analyzing the national thought from the proper nouns and idioms related to ‘tooth’


  • Онон Ц.


The soul of the word is its meaning that reveals the development of the real world through the language which is used for. A word has a definite meaning, in fact, but can be determined by more different meanings based on many factories like language development, process of word usage and social cultural changes. One of these features is focused on idioms.

As a result, we attempted to analyze the national mentality from some proper nouns and idioms which are formed by a word, used “TOOTH" through this article.

Why we have chosen this word in this article is related to the view that the tooth was the first tool or weapon and a thriller for humanity. So in many countries, “TOOTH” represents anger, jealousy, and other similar negative emotions.

But everything is multi-sided and has several features. They have either positive or negative evaluations which are depended on how to be studied. In which situation and for which purpose the idioms are used, are the most important for their evaluations, particularly for the world-view of the nationalities.

According to the idioms, the “TOOTH” represents not only the negative evaluation also the strength like a stone in Mongolian language. But the Japanese consider the ‘TOOTH’ in connection to their family, wealth and health.

Eventually, all human beings have the “TEETH”. But they use the word “TOOTH” for the evaluation of anything in different ways.





How to Cite

Ц., О. (2023). Шүдтэй холбоотой нэр, хэллэгээс үндэстний сэтгэлгээний онцлогийг ажиглах нь : Analyzing the national thought from the proper nouns and idioms related to ‘tooth’. Mongolian Studies, 35(367), 222–225. Retrieved from https://journal.num.edu.mn/ms/article/view/4951



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