Казахское шежире как фольклорная категория исторических источников

Kazakh shezhire as a folklore category of historical sources


  • Алимбай Н.


shezhire, historical source, speaking class, folklore genre, clan, ethnos, society, social relations, space, time, tradition


This is an analysis of shezire as a special folklore category of historical sources. Paradigmatic development of story, structural symbolic, composition situational context, conventionality, variability of the plotline of shezhire are a basis for its scientific identification as a special genre category of folklore. Shezhire is a mainstream of oral historiographic tradition of Kazakhs peoples. The main role of shezhire is a genealogic interpretation of ethnogeny and ethnic history of the people in terms and principles of ancestral and tribal relationship. This is why there is a necessity of adequate scientific approach to shezhire as a folklore genre.




How to Cite

Н., А. (2023). Казахское шежире как фольклорная категория исторических источников: Kazakh shezhire as a folklore category of historical sources. Mongolian Studies, 30(318), 169–181. Retrieved from https://journal.num.edu.mn/ms/article/view/4675



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