Гаплологийн хууль ба монгол хэлний "l" гийгүүлэгч "-la/le-" үеийн сугарал

Haplology and the droppings of syllable "-la/le-" and consonant “/” of the Mongolian language


  • Заяабаатар Д.


The author analyzes the issue of dropping of syllable -net. A syllable -ля4 eliminates when morpheme -яд (-IduZ-ldit) of passive voice occurs after it. By the surface structure in speech, morpheme -яд agglutinates to the noun stem, for analogy the deficiency of verb formation might have formed in Mongolian.

It is formed not only function and meaning of morpheme and morphological regularity but also the effect, reflection, speech analogy of articulation. It is proper to re-study some complicated questions of the Mongolian studies connected to morpheme, lexis and sentence structure by the historical development.




How to Cite

Д., З. (2023). Гаплологийн хууль ба монгол хэлний "l" гийгүүлэгч "-la/le-" үеийн сугарал : Haplology and the droppings of syllable "-la/le-" and consonant “/” of the Mongolian language. Mongolian Studies, 30(318), 62–70. Retrieved from https://journal.num.edu.mn/ms/article/view/4661



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