Скотоводческая лексика калмыцкого языка в сравнении с турецко-месхетинской

Words related to breeding in Kalmyk language in comparison with Turkish-Meskhetian


  • Рассадин В.И.


Comparative materials on Meskhetians are found from oral reports by native speakers living in the village Ulyanovka Yashaltinsky region of Kalmykia, on the other Turkic languages - from the available published dictionaries. The materials on Kalmyk language is selected from the "Kalmyk-Russian Dictionary" [1977], facts on the written Mongolian language drawn from the "Mongolian-English Dictionary by F. Lessing [1960], in other modern Mongolian language-from the available published dictionaries.
As a result of the comparisons, the following results are shown. The words related ‘camel breeding’ in all basic terminology of the Kalmyk and other modern Mongolian languages, like the written is of Turkic origin.




How to Cite

В.И. , Р. (2023). Скотоводческая лексика калмыцкого языка в сравнении с турецко-месхетинской : Words related to breeding in Kalmyk language in comparison with Turkish-Meskhetian. Mongolian Studies, 32(340), 55–65. Retrieved from https://journal.num.edu.mn/ms/article/view/4576



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