Монголын орчин үеийн уран зохиол дахь хүүхдийн тууж судлалын асуудалд
The issue of children's novel study in Mongolian modern literature
хүүхдийн утга зохиолын судлал, төрөл зүйл ангилал, монголын хүүхдийн тууж, хүүхдийн уран зохиол, тууж судлалAbstract
It has become major importance to define future evaluation, clarify feature, research classification as well as origin of “Children’s novel” style in Mongolian Children’s Literature. Tsevegmid.D made the first attempt to write Children’s novel such as “Khonchin Naidan”(1935), “Wicker river’s Bold and Sambuu” (1936), “Student Ganbat” (1945). However they were not same as novel, it was the first experience. It is reasonable and proven that “My schoolmates“(1952) by Lodoidamba.Ch is the first children’s novel. Children’s novel has been developed since 1952 and become one style of Children’s fiction.