"Эх дүр"-ийн онолоор дундад зууны монгол хэлний үйлдэгдэх хэвийг шинжлэх нь "Монголын нууц товчоо"-ны жишээгээр

From the point ofviewof Prototypetheory, to study the causative voices in the Middle Mongolian-by the examp les on evidences and facts of "The Secret History of Mongols"


  • Шин Шин


On the synchronic term, passive marks have experienced grammaticalization process from “concretion” to “abstraction”, showing a certain development rule. This paper adopts grammaticalization theory to explore Mongolian passive markers process and promotes Mongolian adjective suffixes “-t- (-tai) ” which is used frequently, have gradually transformed in to verb suffixes “-ta/-te~-da/-de” in the appropriate syntactic environment and have been further evolved in to the passive form.




How to Cite

Шин Шин. (2023). "Эх дүр"-ийн онолоор дундад зууны монгол хэлний үйлдэгдэх хэвийг шинжлэх нь "Монголын нууц товчоо"-ны жишээгээр : From the point ofviewof Prototypetheory, to study the causative voices in the Middle Mongolian-by the examp les on evidences and facts of "The Secret History of Mongols". Mongolian Studies, 40(463), 93–107. Retrieved from https://journal.num.edu.mn/ms/article/view/4194



Хэл шинжлэл