Монгол Улсын хүн амын 2014 оны ядуурах эмзэг байдлын үнэлгээ


  • Tsagaach.G Department of Economics, National University of Mongolia


Ядуурал, Эрсдэл, Эмзэг байдал, Ядуурах эмзэг байдал


Similarly to other developing countries, the poverty related studies were carried out in Mongolia, however the issue of vulnerability to poverty was almost not considered. It can be stated that one of the main reasons, for policies for poverty reduction are not effective, is that there are no significant activities are implemented to prevent people from becoming poor. The main objective of this research is to access the vulnerability to poverty in 2014 in Mongolia, together with its causes, and study and clarify the dynamics of poverty. The results prove that in 2014 the level of vulnerability to poverty is higher than the level of poverty. Also, the results confirm the conclusion that there is a need to conduct broader ex-ante study that will clarify the future trend, apart from ex-post study for
current poverty status. Moreover, the study shows that poverty has “dynamic” characteristics and therefore it is not possible to consider that the group of poor people is “homogenous”.


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