Хэлний хүйсийн айн асуудалд олон хэлний хэв шинж судлалын үүднээс хандах нь
Language Gender Issues from the View Linguistic Typology
хэл зүйн хүйсийн ай, үгийн сангийн аргаар илрэх хүйс, хамаатуулах хүйс, ерөнхий эр хүйс, нийгмийн үүргийн хүйс, үг бүтэхүй, зохицол, зэрэгцэлAbstract
This article will consider gender across world languages. The research will be focused on previous cross-linguistic researches on gender, theoretical backround of gender, marking of gender in languages, gender classes and some issues of world language genders. Theoretical part includes gender classes, grammatical, lexical, referential genders, generic masculine, social gender, word derivation, gender agreement, pronominalization, coordination and gender related messages. Language examples of the Sino-Tibetan, Indo-European, Finno-Ugric, Dravidian, Austro-Asiatic and Altaic language families were discussed in the article. At the end of the article grammatical, lexical, social and cognitive genders and speech of man and woman in modern Mongolian are considered in the framework of gender related issues.
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