Дуудах тийн ялгалын асуудалд олон хэлний хэвшинж судлалын үүднээс хандах нь
Vocative from the view of Linguistic typology
Ибер-Кавказын олон хэл, хандах үгийн өгүүлбэрзүй, Энэтхэг- Европын олон хэл, case syncretism, prosody, хэлзүйн хэлбэр, тийн ялгалын тогтолцооны өөрчлөлт, VocativeAbstract
This article considers morphological forms of addressing and calling as vocative cases. The research is focused on previous cross-linguistic studies on the vocative case, theoretical backround of the vocative case, marking of the vocative case in languages, vocative syntax of languages and some issues of vocative syntax of Modern Mongolian. Theoretical part includes evolution of case systems, marking of cases in languages, morphological and prosodic forms of vocative cases. Although some Indo-European languages lost their vocative case forms, Baltic languages, Slavonic languages, Indo-Iranian languages of Indo- European family and Georgian language of Iberian-Caucasian family have vocative cases. At the end of the article addressing and calling forms in modern Mongolian are considered in the framework of vocative syntax. We agree that vocative cases in languages exist between system and performance.
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