Харилцааны чадамжийн онол ба загвар
Models and theories on communicative competence
хэлний чадамж, хэлний хэрэглээ, харилцааны чадамж, харилцан үйлчлэл, загварAbstract
In the present article we aimed to conduct a study on comparing theoretical models of communicative competence notions and concepts developed by Hymes, Canale, Swain, Bachman, Byram and defining how Common European Framework of Reference for Languages is affected by the models.
Hymes, D. H. (1972). “On Communicative Competence” In: Pride, J. B. & Holmes, Janet (Eds.), Sociolinguistics: Selected Readings. Harmondsworth, UK: Penguin Books, 269-293-д хэвлэгдсэнийг Johnson, K & Johnson, H (2004). (Eds.) Encyclopedic dictionary of applied linguistics: А Handbook for Language Teaching, Blackwell Publishing, 62-68 хуудаснаас ишлэв.
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мөн тэнд 11-р хуудсан дээр
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