“Нэг бүс, нэг зам” санаачилга хийгээд Зүүн Ази дахь Хятадын соёлын бодлогын нөлөө

China cultural influence on east asia since announcing the obor initiative


  • Egshig Sh. Доктор Ph.D, МУИС, ШУС, Хүмүүнлэгийн Ухааны Салбар, Ази судлалын тэнхим




“Нэг бүс, нэг зам”, Зүүн Ази, соёлын бодлого, зөөлөн хүч, хурц хүч


China's foreign cultural strategies and policies are the main issue in the Chinese national foreign affairs in the new century. The work on the foreign culture has entered brand-new historical period since it's announcement of “the One Belt One Road” (OBOR) initiative in 2013. "Common prosperity" is one of the important terms of the Chinese foreign policy, it's connecting with achieving "the Chinese dream".

China has an older and longer sustained cultural influence in the East Asia region. The key issue is not the importance of China to the societies and countries of East Asia , but extent to which it will in the longer term come to be regarded as the regional leader.


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How to Cite

Sh., E. (2023). “Нэг бүс, нэг зам” санаачилга хийгээд Зүүн Ази дахь Хятадын соёлын бодлогын нөлөө: China cultural influence on east asia since announcing the obor initiative. Mongolian Journal of Foreign Languages and Cultures, 23(507), 100–105. https://doi.org/10.22353/MJFLC2019111