Экологийн ёс зүй дэх биотөвт үзлийн онцлог
зохист нэгдэл, амьдрал, амьд зүйлийн үнэ цэнэAbstract
The ''balance of nature'' is not itself a moral norm, however important may be the role it plays in our general outlook on the natural world that underlies the attitude of respect for nature. I argue that finally it is the good (well-being, welfare) of individual organisms, considered as entities having inherent worth, that determines our moral relations with the Earth's wild communities of life.
Bio-centric system of environmental ethics is opposed to human-centered ones precisely on this point. From the perspective of a life-centered theory, we have prima facie moral obligations that are owed to wild plants and animals themselves as members of the Earth''s biotic community. We are morally bound (other things being equal) to protect or promote their good for their sake.