Зонхавын "Бодь мөрийн зэрэг" дэх бясалгалын талаархи үзэл санаа


  • О.Чимэг




амарлин оршихуй, үлэмж үзэхүй, үзэгдэл үгүйн зөн,


The author of the article considers Tsonkapa's views on yoga practice, summarized as the teaching about tranquility and extraordinary vision in his ''Grades on the path to Bodhi'', and interprets it as reflecting process inherent in all persons.
Considering three stages of meditation process, mentioned in Tsonkapa's work, namely ''concentrating in mind' and ''concentrating on Suchness'', when yogi is absorbed in his ''aim', and ''intuition without phenomenon'' as the result of the meditation process, the author of the article interprets the first stage of ''concentrating in mind'' or ''absorption in the aim ''as the stage of creating of an image of the object of mind, accompanied by a feeling of that object, and the second stage of analyzing the object on the base of ''views'' as process of ''entering into the object of mind'', when deepening of the object's feeling comes about.
The result of meditation process, which might be presented, as the author thinks, by some parts of the work on absolute truth, is interpreted as ''complete entry into the image of the object'', confluence with it, stoppage of all mind activities.  




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