Өндөрнаран ордын геологийн тогтоц, хүдэржилтийн судалгаа


  • Б.Тамир МУИС- ШУС, Геологи-Геофизикийн тэнхим


Metasomatism, epithermal, structure, formation, deposit


The paper summarises the results obtained of exploration and research works carried out in the Undurnaran Gold Deposit, Mongolia. The Undurnaran gold deposit is located in the South Gobi Hercynian Fold Province, in the Oyut-Ulaan junction of the Harmagtai-Hongoot-Oyut metallogenic Belt, in northeast of the Oyut-Ulaan porphyry Cu-Au deposit.

The territory of the Undurnaran deposit, consists of the lower Carboniferous island arc complex including dacite, andesite, andesite porphyry and diorite, quartzic diorite, syenite. The deposit is close spatially and genetically related to the latter.

Gold-bearing orebodies from NW-SE trend oriented, a little concaved mineralized zones contained gold-bearing pyrite­arsenopyrite-quartz and quartz-carbonite veinlets.

Mineralized zones are beresitized (phyllic alteration), carbonatized. silicifield. Gold mineralization of the Deposit, is belonged to the LS epithermal type. Gold is disseminated in pyrite and arsenopyrite. Three samples of host diorite and one sample of andesite of the Deposit yielded Late Carboniferous (303+-6 Ma, Hole Rock, Rb-Sr Method) age.


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How to Cite

Б.Тамир. 2023. “Өндөрнаран ордын геологийн тогтоц, хүдэржилтийн судалгаа”. Geological Issues 14 (October):111-19. https://journal.num.edu.mn/geology/article/view/6024.



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