“Shaman”хэмээх үгийн гарлын тухайд

The origin of the word ‘Shaman’


  • Munkhtsetseg B. МУИС-ийн ГХСС-ийн ГХСТ- ийн багш, докторант




shaman, saman, kham, sram, бөө, үгийн гарвал


Shaman гэдэг үгийн гарвалыг эрдэмтэн судлаачид өөр өөрөөр тайлбарладаг. Үүнд зарим эрдэмтэд Сибирийн түнгүс хэлний “saman” үгээс, Санскрит хэлний “Sram”, Пали хэлний “samana” үгнээс гаралтай гэж үзэж байхад зарим нь энэ үгийн гарал үүсэл нь тодорхойгүй гэж үзсэн байна. Доржи Банзаров, Бертхолд Лауфер, Ж. Немет нарын судлаачид авиа үсэг сэлгэх зэргээр хэл шинжлэлийн үүднээс судлаад Түрэг хэлний “kham” үгээс гаралтай гэж тогтоожээ.

The term shaman was used by Dutch diplomats E.Ysbrant Ides and Adam Brand, who accompanied a Russian embassy sent by Peter the Great to China during 1692- 1695. Before the end of the eighteenth century, the Siberian Tungus word shaman became the common term in the West. The origin of the word ‘shaman’ has been debated by philologists and ethnolinguists. Some have argued that the ultimate derivation is the Sanskrit or Pali word for a Buddhist monk. D.Banzarov, J.Nemeth and Berthold   Laufer solved it by means of a sane philological method and the Hungarian scholar J. Nemeth concluded that Manchu---Tungusian sam, s’am, or ‘sam’ was indeed the exact phonetic equivalent of Altaic Turkic kam. In Tuva a shaman is called kham. Some argee that the origin of the term shaman is unknown, because they won’t find any written record which documents when the word was used first.

Ethnic groups are using different terms for shamans such as the Mongols- buge, the Eskimo – angakok, the KIrghis –saksy, the Russians and in Siberia – shamans, the Tuvans – kham, etc.


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How to Cite

B., M. (2023). “Shaman”хэмээх үгийн гарлын тухайд : The origin of the word ‘Shaman’. Mongolian Journal of Foreign Languages and Cultures, 16(363), 37–41. https://doi.org/10.22353/MJFLC2012105