Өрнийн орнуудын баярын үүсэл хийгээд соёлын нөлөө /христмас баярын жишээгээр
The emergence of the festivals of the West and the cultural influence. In the example of Christmas
Христмас баярын үүсэл, шашин болон соёлын нөлөөAbstract
Христийн шашинт улсуудын хамгийн өргөн дэлгэр тэмдэглэдэг Христмас баяр нь өөр шашнаас үүсэлтэй болохыг түүхэн баримтад тулгуурлан, орчин үед болж буй үйл явцаар дамжуулан тодруулах, уг баярын талаарх бодит ойлголтыг нийтэд таниулах, өрнө хийгээд дэлхийн олон улс орны соѐл уламжлалд хэрхэн нөлөөлж буйг харуулахыг зорьсон болно.
Most Christians today probably can‘t imagine Christmas on any other day than December 25, but it wasn‘t always that way. In fact, for the first three centuries of Christianity‘s existence, Jesus Christ‘s birth wasn‘t celebrated at all. The religion‘s most significant holidays were Epiphany on January 6, which commemorated the arrival of the Magi after Jesus‘ birth, and Easter, which celebrated Jesus‘ resurrection. The first official mention of December 25 as a holiday honoring Jesus‘ birthday appears in an early Roman calendar from 336 A.D. The celebration of Christmas spread throughout the Western world over the next several centuries, but many Christians continued to view Epiphany and Easter as more important. Some, including the Puritans of colonial New England, even banned its observance because they viewed its traditions—the offering of gifts and decorating trees, for example—as linked to paganism. In the early days of the United States, celebrating Christmas was considered a British custom and fell out of style following the American Revolution. It wasn‘t until 1870 that Christmas became a federal holiday.
Ан Сан Хун, Сайн мууг мэдүүлэгч жимс ба сайн мэдээ, БНСУ, Аняан., 1967 Баярсайхан Б, Монгол хэлний тайлбар толь , Монсудар хэвлэлийн газар, УБ., 2011 Ким Жү Чоль, Миний хонин сүрэг дууг минь сонсдог, БНСУ, Аняан., 1990
CNN Report by Laura Smith-Spark, 23. Nov.2012
Constance Singam, The Story of Christmas, Today Journal, Orchard, USA, 2004 Encyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature Encyclopedia Britannica, Inc, S.704
Encyclopedia World Book
Fames G.Frazer, The Golden Bough
Gerd Grill, Annette Zwahr, Meyers Grosses Taschenlekikon, Mannheim, 1992, Band 24 History of Christian Church
Holy Bible, New International Version
Pope Benedict XVI, Nazareth of Jesus – The Infancy Narratives, 2012