Казахуудын хөвч таслах зан үйл
“Circumcision custom” of kazakhs
хөвч таслах, мусульман, зан үйл, КазахуудAbstract
Монгол нутагт амьдарч буй Казахууд ислам шашныг шүтдэг. Тэд хөвч таслах (the circumcision) зан үйлийг эртнээс хийж ирсэн хэдий ч цаг үеийн байдлаас болж нэг хэсэг тасалдахад хүрч байжээ. 1990 оноос хойш шашны болон үндэсний мартагдсан зан үйл дахин сэргэх үйл явц ажиглагдаж байна.
Mongolians Kazakhs are Muslims. Islam religion was spread among Mongolian Kazakhs in XIX century.
In Islam, complying with the practices and teachings of the Prophet ―circumcision custom‖ is known as ―sünnet‖. Circumcision is an operation when the foreskin of the penis is removed. It is a practice of great religious significance among certain religious groups, notably the Jews and the Muslims. Circumcision is known from ancient times was practiced in ancient Egypt even before it was introduced to the Jews as part of God's covenant with Abraham. In Islam, however, the authority for circumcision came not from the Koran but from the example of the Prophet Mohammed. In Islam, whatever the prophet does or says is called sünnet; therefore this word stands for circumcision in modern period. Urologists claim that circumcised males have far fewer urinary tract infections and are less at risk for catching sexually transmitted diseases than are uncircumcised males.
As far as Mongolian Kazakhs are Muslims, they practice the ―sünnet‖ since they became
But during some period of time (1930s to 1990s ) due to that times circumstances this tradition was kept in secret and was practiced only among experienced senior Mullahs with proper Therefore that time it was difficult for every man member to follow this
―sünnet‖ tradition. Surgeons diagnose some patients desease as ―phimosis‖ and execute ―sunnet‖ among acquaintances. But this practice was not extended to many people.
That hard times Muslim teachings were regarded as a national tradition and customs and ―sunnet‖ tradition was not practiced openly. But people kept in their mind that it is a necessary Since that time past sixty years.
After winning of Democratic Revolution in Mongolia in 1990 Muslim religion, traditions and customs staring to recover and ―sünnet‖ tradition is studied from the corner of scientific research and doctors started to execute ―sünnet‖ tradition in a safe and clear hospital environment.
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