Хэрэглээний хэлшинжлэлийн зарим нэр томьёог монгол хэлнээ дүйлгэх нь
Selection of vocabulary choice in translation some applied linguistics terms to mongolian language
Хэрэглээний хэл шинжлэлийн зарим тулгуур ойлголтууд: linguistic perpormance,competence, social identity, behavior, value, code switchingAbstract
This article concerns theoretical and practical aspects of applied linguistic concepts of translation. The author focuses on the importance of translation of special texts, especially applied linguistics texts, terms covering several linguistic sub-disciplines as well as certain interdisciplinary areas that use linguistic methods. Applied linguistics differs from theoretical linguistics in that the latter is concerned with the formal structure of language as an autonomous system of signs. If meaning is interpreted as a process of referring to the real world, then meaning is defined as a set of extra-linguistic objects and states of affairs, which is dominated by a particular linguistic expression. The author has suggested using a new method in translation of some concepts into Mongolian. The thesis of the article is considered to be actual and subject to a concrete study.
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