Нэрзүйн судалгааны орчин үеийн хандлага

Theoretical issues of the proper names


  • Enkhbat D. Foreign Language Center, School of Arts and Sciences, NUM, Mongolia




нэрийтгэл нэр нэрийн утга, оноосон нэр, үгийн гаралзүй, дохиогоор бүтсэн дохио, нэрийн үүрэг, тэмдэг


This article offers analysis of the problem of proper names. The problem of defining proper names, and explaining their meaning, is one of most recalcitrant in modern linguistics. A proper name tells us which thing in question, without giving us other information about it. There are two puzzles in particular: the name in some way reveals the identity of the object, and empty names seem perfectly meaningful. In traditional theory, proper names had no place at all. There were only two kinds of propositions: existential and universal. The obvious difficulty with this theory is that sentences containing names do seem to be informative, even when there is no object appearing to the senses.


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How to Cite

D., E. (2023). Нэрзүйн судалгааны орчин үеийн хандлага: Theoretical issues of the proper names. Mongolian Journal of Foreign Languages and Cultures, 21(467), 193–199. https://doi.org/10.22353/MJFLC2017125