Харилцах дадлын хичээлийг заахад тулгарч буй нийтлэг асуудал, шийдвэрлэх зарим боломж
Common problems in teaching oral communication and some approaches dealing with them
ярих дадал, судалгаа, асуудал, хэлний мэдлэгийн түвшинAbstract
Students face a lot of problems in speaking English as L2. This study investigates problems in using L2 as a speaking tool. The data has been analyzed statistically and graphically. The level of English is from elementary to upper-intermediate among the students of different schools of NUM. A sample of 100-113 male and female students has been selected randomly. With the help of students’ responses the collected data was processed into a grouped form for further analysis. This paper may also help the teachers and researchers, who intend to investigate the same issue.
Монгол хэлээр:
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Англи хэлээр:
Jeremy Harmer, The Practice of English Language Teaching, Longman, 1998.
Jim Scrivener, Learning Teaching, Great Britain by Scott print, 2009.
John Murphy, Essentials of Teaching Academic Oral Communication, Georgia State University, 2006.
Marsha J, Chan, College Oral Communication 1, 2, 3 Mission College, United States of America, 2006.