Монгол, англи хэлний үндсэн өнгө заасан нэр бүхий зүйрлэл

A comparative study on color metaphor in mongolian and english


  • Tumengerel P. МУИС, ШУС, Хүмүүнлэгийн Ухааны Салбар, Гадаад хэлний төв



Өнгө (цагаан, хар, хөх, ногоон, шар, улаан), зүйрлэл, өнгөний бэлгэдэл


A metaphor is a thing regarded as representative or symbolic of something else. Another definition of a metaphor is a figure of speech, in which a word or phrase is applied to an object or action that it does not literally denote in order to imply a resemblance.  A metaphor is a persistent occurrence that has usually been believed as a figure of speech used for particular effects in everyday speech. It is used within a wide range of everyday life. A color is usually used to show the colors of objects in the world. Every object in the world has its own color. There are a large number of metaphorical expressions with color serving as the source domain in Mongolian. As a very important human experience, colors have attracted many scholars’ attention. The researchers revealed that a possible reason for the similarities of color metaphors in  languages can be attributed to the common perceptual and cultural experience, while the dissimilarities originated from different living environments, religions, customs,  philosophy etc.


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How to Cite

P., T. (2023). Монгол, англи хэлний үндсэн өнгө заасан нэр бүхий зүйрлэл: A comparative study on color metaphor in mongolian and english. Mongolian Journal of Foreign Languages and Cultures, 19(430), 58–63.