Гадаад хэлний сургалтад логик учир зүйн хандлагыг төлөвшүүлэх нь
Promoting logical reasoining in foreign language learning
логик учир зүйн ухаан, бүтээвэр, орчуулга, соёлын хандлага, хэл сурах үйл явцAbstract
This paper is a methodological advice and pragmatic approach to English language teaching and learning with emphasis on logical reasoning in any linguistic features. It also presents practical examples of logical reasoning in English classroom settings covering subjects of grammar, syntax as well as translation. For example, in the section of grammar part, the emphasis will be on logical reasoning with focuses on a word root or morpheme in reference to their context.
Logical reasoning plays an important role in understanding core meaning of morpheme, sentence structure as well as functions of English language overall. With the logical approach to any linguistic features, students will be able to assume derivatives in matter of morphology, to compose English sentences with better command and functions, and to avoid mistakes of using incorrect or illogical variation in translation.
Anne Curzan, Michael Adams, How English Works: A Linguistic Introduction, PEARSON Longman Edition, 2006, pg. 132
Deborah Phillips, The TOEFL Test: Computer Test Overview, Longman Edition, 2003, pg. 35
Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, English Grammar and Composition, Heritage Edition, 1977, pg. 85
Lesley Brown, the editor, The New Shorter Oxford English Dictionary, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1993, pg. 2562
Paul Procter, the editor-in-chief, International Dictionary of English, Cambridge University Press, 2002, pg. 417
Raymond Murphy, English Grammar in Use: A Self-Study Reference and Practice Book for Intermediate Learners of English, Cambridge Edition, 2012, pg. 23
Ron Cacioppe, Why is it so Important to Encourage Creative Thinking? http://www.integral.org.au/why-is-it-so-important-to-encourage-creative-thinking