Хам сэдвээс үгийн утгыг таах

Guessing meaning from contex


  • Gan-Enkh O. Foreign Language Center, School of Arts and Sciences, NUM, Mongolia
  • Enkhtsetseg Ts. Foreign Language Center, School of Arts and Sciences, NUM, Mongolia




эх бичвэр, судалгаа, техникийн нэр томьёо, хэлзүйн бүтэц, үгсийн сан, хэл шинжээч


Some teachers of advanced learners of foreign language prefer to expose students to new words in context, hoping students will acquire the vocabulary through contextual clues; whereas others explicitly teach and drill vocabulary.  Although the skill of guessing word meanings from context is widely acknowledged as a useful skill, there has been little research in this area and very little useful guidance for teachers or learners. This article focuses on learning of the meanings of new technical words that appear in a written context with explicit clues. The clues involve the following steps: determining the part of speech of the word, looking at the immediate grammar, studying the wider context, and guessing the word and checking the guess. Contextual inference or contextual guessing is defined as an important strategy in the absence of dictionaries or human assistance and it entails guessing the meaning of target word based on interpretation of its immediate context with or without reference to knowledge of the world.


Bravo and Cervetti and Woodward-Kron. Teaching vocabulary through text and experience in content areas,Wiley Press ., 2009

Edwards. How to teach vocabulary, Pearson Education., 2009

Gray W. and Holmes F. The Development of Meaning Vocabularies in Reading University of Chicago Publication of Lab Schools., 1938

Lee Rossi, Gladys Garcia Computer Notions Prentice-Hall Press., 1996

Mohan, and Van Naersson, The Language of Schooling, Lawrence Elbaum Associates, Publishers., 2004

National Reading Panel, Report of the National Reading Panel., 2000

Prince D. Teaching and Learning Vocabulary, New York Press., 1996

Santiago Remacha Esteras, Elena Marco Fabre. Professional English in Use for Computers and the Internet, Cambridge University Press., 2007







How to Cite

O., G.-E., & Ts., E. (2023). Хам сэдвээс үгийн утгыг таах: Guessing meaning from contex. Mongolian Journal of Foreign Languages and Cultures, 20(450), 59–62. https://doi.org/10.22353/MJFLC2016108