Суралцагчдын лекц сонсож, тэмдэглэх чадварыг хөгжүүлэх асуудалд (Академик англи хэл-Харилцах дадал 3 хичээлийн жишээн дээр)

Some issues of enhancing students’ lecture note-taking skills (In case of Academic English-Oral Communication 3)


  • Ariunaa A. Foreign Language Center, School of Arts and Sciences, NUM, Mongolia
  • Chuluuntsetseg Sh. Foreign Language Center, School of Arts and Sciences, NUM, Mongolia




академик англи хэл, харилцах дадал, лекц сонсож ойлгох, тэмдэглэл хийх, тэмдэглэл хөтлөх аргууд


This article provides some review of literature related to lecture note-taking as a beneficial strategy to increase students’ ability to remember, understand and recall the listening material. Note-taking is considered as one of the most important tools in academic lecture listening. The present study investigates the effects of note-taking on listening comprehension and recall of lecture information provided in Academic English Oral Communication classes. The study was conducted among 4 groups consisting of 93 upper-intermediate level students of NUM and post tests were taken after each listening task. The findings are presented. 


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How to Cite

A., A., & Sh., C. (2023). Суралцагчдын лекц сонсож, тэмдэглэх чадварыг хөгжүүлэх асуудалд (Академик англи хэл-Харилцах дадал 3 хичээлийн жишээн дээр): Some issues of enhancing students’ lecture note-taking skills (In case of Academic English-Oral Communication 3). Mongolian Journal of Foreign Languages and Cultures, 20(450), 9–14. https://doi.org/10.22353/MJFLC2016101