Үндэсний онцлог бүхий үгийн орчуулгын тухайд (Д.Нацагдоржийн “Шувуун саарал” өгүүллэгийн англи орчуулгын жишээгээр

Some ideas on translation of cultural words (On examples of English translation of the short story “A swift-footed steed” by D.Natsagdorj)


  • Jivaa D. МУИС, Орхон сургууль, Англи хэлний орчуулга судлалын тэнхим




соёл хоорондын харилцаа, хэлний дүйцэлгүй нэгж, соёлын орчуулга, орчуулгын арга, эх хэл, орчуулах хэл


Translation of cultural words is an important issue due to cultural gap between the source and target languages, as well as they cannot be literally translated. Since cultural concepts carry local inference, they are challenging tasks to be completed by a translator. The translation of the short story “A swift-footed steed” by B.Damdin ensured the equivalent including an appropriate descriptive function. To avoid distorting the meaning of the source language, the translator did not use literal translation. However, he used techniques including paraphrase, explanation, transcription and descriptive translations conveniently. This translation can be practical for translators who are performing culture-specific concepts.


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How to Cite

D., J. (2023). Үндэсний онцлог бүхий үгийн орчуулгын тухайд (Д.Нацагдоржийн “Шувуун саарал” өгүүллэгийн англи орчуулгын жишээгээр: Some ideas on translation of cultural words (On examples of English translation of the short story “A swift-footed steed” by D.Natsagdorj). Mongolian Journal of Foreign Languages and Cultures, 21(467), 65–71. https://doi.org/10.22353/MJFLC2017108