Соёлын агуулга бүхий зарим үг хэллэгийн орчуулгын тухайд
Some translation issues on cultural words and phrases
орчуулга, орчуулгын арга, соёлын агуулгатай үг хэллэг, үгийн үндсэн утга, нийлэмжийн утгаAbstract
In this research work, we set goals to study translation methods, versions of text with cultural words to reveal possible near variations of historical and literary works. We have compared three versions of English translation of the Secret History of Mongols, which is the most important written source of Mongolian history and culture as well as tradition. Because of the text with cultural meaning, different techniques of translation were used in the works by Urgungu Onon, Rachewiltz Igor de and N.Dorjgotov and Z.Erendoo. We observed that equivalent, explanation, transcription, commentary note and direct translation methods were more convenient. Such studies in the field of translation is necessary that translation of texts with cultural meaning introduces our language and culture to other language speakers.
Монгол хэлээр:
Дамдинсүрэн Ц. (1990), Монголын нууц товчоо, УБ.Улсын хэвлэлийн газар
Монголын нэвтэрхий толь I боть. (2000), УБ.Монгол улсын шинжлэх ухааны академи
Цэвэл Я. (1966), Монгол хэлний товч тайлбар толь, УБ.Улсын хэвлэлийн хэрэг эрхлэх хороо
Англи хэлээр:
Dorjgotov N. and Erendoo Z. (2007), The Secret History of the Mongols, UB.Monsudar
Onon U. (2001), The Secret History of the Mongols: The Life and Times of Chinggis Khan, London and New York.RoutledgeCurzon
Rachewiltz I, de. (2004), The Secret History of the Mongols: A Mongolian Epic Chronicle of the Thirteenth Century, Boston. Brill Leiden
Цахим эх сурвалж:
Монголын нууц товчоог мөнхөд эрхэмлэн дээдлэх тухай (2004),
https://www.legalinfo.mn/law/ details/757
Монгол хэлний их тайлбар толь, https://mongoltoli.mn/dictionary/detail/28026
Wikipedia encyclopedia, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki