Япон хэл суралцагчдын үгийн сангийн нөөцийг нэмэгдүүлэхэд сторителлинг аргыг хэрэглэх нь

Using of storytelling method to increase vocabulary of japanese language learners


  • Khishigdelger B. Доктор Ph.D, МУИС, ШУС, Хүмүүнлэгийн Ухааны Салбар, Ази судлалын тэнхим
  • Nakamura Ayako Шинэ Монгол бүрэн дунд сургууль




Сторителлинг арга, үгийн сан, сургалтын арга, үлгэр


In this research, trying to verify learners' vocabulary development through the practical lessons using storytelling in Japanese language education. In the lessons, targeting sixth graders, took not only storytelling but also story related activities by the concept of whole language approach which connects other subjects. Based on the results of the practical lessons,the storytelling promotes output skill. In the class, the joint storytelling had been conducted for 10 to 15 minutes each time in a single story and continuedonce a week, 8 times in total. In other words, the whole lesson was taken 80 to 120 minutes in total. Each class took 40 minutes that is taken only a couple of hours to retell the story. This result demonstrate that it is possible touse storytelling in Japanese language education. In addition, the class evaluation for the practical lessons increased learners' vocabularies and gained high satisfaction. As a result of pre and post tests, learners are understanding meaning of the word in meaningful sentences more than single separated word.


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How to Cite

B., K., & Ayako, N. (2023). Япон хэл суралцагчдын үгийн сангийн нөөцийг нэмэгдүүлэхэд сторителлинг аргыг хэрэглэх нь: Using of storytelling method to increase vocabulary of japanese language learners. Mongolian Journal of Foreign Languages and Cultures, 23(507), 84–92. https://doi.org/10.22353/MJFLC2019109