Монгол, англи хэлний гуйх хэлэхүйн үйлдлийн зэрэгцүүлсэн судалгаа
A Comparative study of requistive speech act realization patterns in Mongolian and English
хэрэглээний хэл шинжлэл, хэлэхүйн үйлдэл, гуйх хэлэхүйн үйлдэл, шууд хэлбэр, хэлэнд хэвшсэн шууд бус хэлбэр, хувьсагчAbstract
The current study focused on cross-cultural comparison of requestive speech act realization patterns in Mongolian and English. This study aimed to compare patterns in the requests provided by native Mongolian speakers (n=86) and native speakers of American English (n=87) under the same social constraints involving nine different situations. Data were gathered through the discourse completion test (DCT) in which the participants were asked to complete the discourse with appropriate request patterns consistent with the given situation. Students were undergraduate students (sophomores and juniors) in their native countries. The data were processed in accordance with request strategies developed by Blum-Kulka et al. (1984). According to the degree of directness, all request strategies were classified into three major categories, particularly (1) direct strategies, (2) conventionally indirect strategies, and (3) unconventionally indirect strategies.
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Oxford Research Encyclopedias, Linguistics. (2017)