
  • YA. ARIUNCHIMEG Paleontological Center, Mongolian Academy of Sciences
  • K. SABATH Institute of Paleontology, Polish Academy of Sciences


Eight dinosaur nests from Lower Cretaceous locality Algui Ulaan Tsav (Ulaanoosh Formation), Upper Cretaceous localities Bayan Zag, Tugrigiin Shiree, Numurt (Djadokhta Formation), Guriliin Tsav, Khulsan and Gilbent (Nemegt Formation) represent the following oospecies: Spheroolithus sp.; Dictyoqlithus sp. nov; Prismatoolithus minimus (Mikhailov, 1994); Elongatoolithus sp. A.', Elongatoolithus sp. B; Elongatoolithus sp. C; Macroolithus rugustus Young, 1965 and Oblongotoolithus (?) sp. nov.. Shown the difficulties in establishing of oospecies. because o lot of features (egg size, eggshell thicknees) are variabile.



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How to Cite

YA. ARIUNCHIMEG, and K. SABATH. 2023. “DINOSAUR NESTS AT THE NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM, ULAANBAATAR”. Geological Issues 4 (November):193-202. https://journal.num.edu.mn/geology/article/view/6576.



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