
  • O. GEREL Dept, of geology & Mineralogy, Mongolian University of Science and Technology
  • S. KANISAWA Dept, of Earth and Environmental Science, Faculty of Science, Yamagata University
  • K. ISHIKAWA Institute of Mineralogy, Petrology and Economic Geology, Tohoku University
  • SH. IIZUMI Department of Geology, Shimane University
  • S. AMAR-AMGALAN Dept, of geology & Mineralogy, Mongolian University of Science and Technology
  • S. JARGALAN Institute of Mineralogy, Petrology and Economic Geology, Tohoku University


Janchivlan pluton is a composite body comprising three distinctive phases intruded into late. Paleozoic turbidites in the internal part of the Mongol-Okhotsk foldbelt Granites are peraluminous and strongly peraluminous, felsic, with elevated alkalinity, high Fe/Mg ratio and low CaO, rich in K, Rb, Ta, Li and Sn. The content of these elements increased during fractional crystallization from fitst phase porphyritic coarse-grained granites through two mica granites of second phase and to Li-F granites of the third phase. Trace elements discrimination diagram is indicative of within-plate tectonic setting, but also disply syn-collisional signature for first and second phases. Initial 87Sr/86Sr ratio is 0.7049-0.7044 for first and second phases accordingly, and 0.7187-0.7306 for third phase granites and 0.7502 for albite-lepidolite granites, granites, indicating that source magma derived from the continental crust. Amazonite-albite granites show very high initial Sr ratio characterizing role of metasomatic processes in their origin. Granites are interpreted as having formed after collision in an intracontinental environment and are close to A2 type after Eby. These are originated from continental crust, but high K content characteristic for all phases, show important role of deep source. Miarolic pegmatites, Sn, W greisens and veins, alluvial Sn and Ta, Li mineralization is associated with these granites.


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