
  • A. PERLE National University of Mongolia


Upper Cretaceous Bugeen tsav and Djadokhta formations of Mongolia including remarks on previous understandings are discussed and their diagnosis refined. Stratigraphical collumnar sections of type and references localizes and lists of fossils are given. It is shown that two upper cretaceous formations represent different lithological and faunistic units.The only dinosaur and other reptiles genera known to be common to upper cretaceous deposits of Asia and North America are Tyrannosauridae (Tyrannosaurus and Tarbosaurus). Ornithomimidae (Ornithomimus, Gallimimus), Camarosauridae (Sauropods) and Turtles (Trionichidae) several dinosaur and other reptiles families are endemic to Asia and North America.

The stratigraphy of upper Cretaceous rocks of the south Eastern parts of Mongolia was first discussed in Geological and Palaeontological literature in a note by Charles P.Berkey (Granger & Gregory,1923) more detailed results of stratigraphic studies accomplished by members of the Polish-Mongolian Paleontological Expeditions (Lefeld, R.Gradzinsky, Jerzikevicz 1971-1977). The most important excavations were made South Mongolia and important papers on the stratigraphy of the upper cretaceous beds resulted ((I.A.Efremov. 19154.1955, Rozhdestvensky 1975, 1965, 1971, 1974;) Maleev 1952, 1955, 1956).

             Members of the Polish-Mongolian Paleontological Expedition between 1963­-1965 and 1970-1971 also explored parts of southern Mongolia. Geological results of expedition were discussed mainly by Gradzinsky et, al 1969, 1970, Gradzinsky Jerzykiewicz 1972, 1974, kielan Jaworowskal974a. 1975a. 1975c.Lefeld 1965, 1971 and Maryanska & Osmolska 1974, 1975.

The Soviet-Mongolian Paleontological expedition has began to work in Mongolia from south to North, and east to west completely explored by intervals on stratigraphy for cambrian-to Neogenian periods as whole Kramarenko, 1974,Beliaeva1974,Rozhdestven sky1979, Barsbold (1972,1983), Perle (1979,
1931,1982,1993,2005).general essys of the stra tigraphy of Mongolian upper cretaceous deposits were have been provided by Mannov 1957, Vasiliev 1959, Martinson 1975, Barsbo!d(1981,1983).Still now some problems we have discussed about stratigraphical units and formation of the upper cretaceous deposits and refined the diagnoses of two important rock units Bugeen tsav formation and of Djadochta formation presented lists of life assemblages (faunal characteristics) Bugeen tsav formation lithology. Dominant lithology is poorly cemented, fine grained arkosic sandstone of reddish - orange to brick orange fossil - bearing layer 15-20 cm. thin clay strata in the uppermost section of profile we have usually search.


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Barsbold R. 1971. Certain large gastropods from the Upper Cretaceous deposits of South-Western Mongolia. In: Mesozoic and Cenozoic fauna of Western Mongolia. JSMSGE, Trans., 3, 14-19. Moskva.

- 1976a. On the evolution and systematic of Late Mesozoic dinosaur. In: Palaeontology and biostratigraphy of Mongolia. JSMPE, Trans. 3, 76-92. Moskva.

Berkey Ch. & Morris F.K. 1927. Geology of Mongolia. Natural History of Central Asia. 2, 1-475. New York.

Beliajeva E.I., Trofimov B.A. & Reshetov V.J. 1974. General stages in evolution of Late Mesozoic and Early Tertiary mammalian fauna in Central Asia. In: Mesozoic and Cenozoic faunas and biostratigraphy of Mongolia. JSMPE, Trans., 1, 19-45. Moskva.

Efremov I.A. 1950. Tafonomia i geologicheskaya letopis. Tr. Paliont. Inst. ANSSSR, 24. Moskva- Leningrad.

Elzanowski A. 1974. Preliminary not on the palaeognathous bird from the Upper Cretaceous of Mongolia. In: Results PMPE V. Palaeont. Pol., 30, 103-109. Warszawa-Krakow.

radzinski R. 1970. Sedimentation of dinosaur-bearing Upper Cretaceous deposits of the Nemegt Basin, Gobi Desert. In: Results PMPE II. Palaeont. Pol., 21, 147-229. Warszawa-Krakow.

- & Jerzykiewicz T. 1972. Additional geograpical and geological data from the Polish-Mongolian Palaeontological Expeditions. In: Results PMPE IV. Palaeont. Pol., 27, 17-32. Warszawa- Krakow.

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- Khand E. 1974. Upper Cretacious genus Gobiocypris gen. nov. in Mongolia. In: Mesozoic and Cenozoic faunas and biostratigraphy of Mongolia. JSMPE, Trans., 1, 265-267. Moskva.

Khosatzky L.l. & Mlynarski M. 1971. Chelonians from the Upper Cretaceous of the Gobi Desert, Mongolia. In: Result PMPE. II. Palaeont. Pol, 25, 13'-144. Warszawa.

Kielan-Jaworowska Z. 1969. Preliminary data on the Upper Cretaceous eutherian mammals from Bayn Dzak, Gobi Desert. In: Results PMPE, I. Palaeont. Pol., 19, 171-191. Warszawa- Krakow.

- 1970. New Upper Cretaceous multituberculate genera from Bayn Dzak, Gobi Desert.ln: Results PMPE II. Palaeont. Pol., 21, 35-49. Warszawa-Krakcw.

- 1975a. Preliminary description of two new eutherian genera from the Late Cretaceous of Mongolia. In: Results PMPE Vl.Palaeont. Pol.. 33, 103-132. Warszawa-Krakow.

- 1975c. Evolution and migrations of the Late Cretaceous Asian mammals. In: Problemes Actuels de Palaeontologie. Evolution des Vertebres. Colloque lot. CNRS, No.218, 573-584. Paris.




How to Cite

A. PERLE. 2023. “UPPER CRETACEOUS BUGEEN TSAV, DJADOKHTA FORMATIONS OF MONGOLIA”. Geological Issues 7 (November):123-28. https://journal.num.edu.mn/geology/article/view/6444.



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