
  • L.JARGAL National University of Mongolia
  • YONG II LEE Seoul National University


In Mongolia, Jurassic to Cretaceous non-marine sedimentary rocks are widely distributed. Lower Cretaceous deposits overlie coarse-grained Upper Jurassic red beds and are in turn unconformaby overlain by Upper Creataceous deposits. The Upper Cretaceous sediments are subdivided into five stratigraphic units: from the base up, they are the Barun-Bayan, Bayan-Shire, Bayan-Dzag (=Djadokhta), Barun-Goyot and Nemegetu formations (Gradzinski et al. 1977; Martinson et al., 1969; Martison, 1975: Barsbold, 1983: Shuvalov, 1982: Khand, 1987: Jerzykiewicz and Russell, 1991). Jurassic and Cretaceous sediments contain abundant animal fossils including numerous world-famous dinosaurs. Also, the Jurassic and Cretaceous rocks contain important mineral resources such as coal, oil, bituminous shales, gypsum, quartz, fluorite, zeolite, rare metals and gold.

Sandstones of Late Jurassic and Early Cretaceous age of the East Gobi Basin, Ondor-Bogd area are studied for the first time to infer the provenance and tectonic settings of the source areas.

The composition of sandstones can give information about provenance, weathering, sediment transport and tectonic setting, in Mongolia, very few studies of sedimentary rocks have been carried out for sedimentological and petrological studies. The present study is intended to increase our information on the Mongolian late Mesozoic by studying sedimentary rocks. The East Gobi Basin (Fig. 1) was chosen for this study because this basin contains petroliferous sediments whose petrological characteristics are important for further petroleum exploration in the basin. In order to better understand sedimentary deposits and evolution of the East Gobi Basin we studied sandstone compositions of the Late Jurassic to Early Cretaceous in age.

The results of this petrographic study provide new information about the characteristics and provenance of non-marine Upper Jurassic, Lower Cretaceous and Upper Cretaceous sedimentary rocks of the Ondor-Bogd area, the East Gobi Basin which is located in southernmost Mongolia. Also, this study would provide information to understand characteristics of potential reservoir and source rocks in the basin.


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