
  • Б.ДЭЛГЭРЦОГТ Монгол Улсын Их Сургууль


Өмнөд Монгол, Зэс, геодинамик, Шүтээний стрүктүр


This paper gives information about distribution and geodynamic aspects of Porphyry Copper Mineralization of Southern Mongolia. More detailed aspects mentioned above problems of Southern Mongolian Porphyry Copper belt and Shuteen ring structure have been written at the end of this paper. Ideas and conception about tectonic development of Southern Gobi Island arc system in relation to porphyry copper mineralization in Devonian and Carboniferous times, including several PCD districts given in detail on the base of previous researcher’s and own study material.

Shuteen ring structure have been established in continental arc condition in Upper Carboniferous time and it wj formed as a pull — apart type structure at the intersection of ancient Maniai fault system of sublatitudianal orientation and more younger Unegt fault of north western direction.


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How to Cite

Б.ДЭЛГЭРЦОГТ. 2023. “ӨМНӨД МОНГОЛЫН ЗЭСИЙН БҮСИЙН ГЕОДИНАМИК ХӨГЖИЛ, ТҮҮНД ШҮТЭЭНИЙ СТРҮКТҮРИЙН ЭЗЛЭХ БАЙР СУУРЬ”. Geological Issues 10 (November):126-43. https://journal.num.edu.mn/geology/article/view/6248.



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