Petrogenesis and geochronology of granitoids from the Tseel terrane, SW Mongolia


  • Ulziiburen Burenjargal School of Geology and Mining Engineering, Mongolian University of Science and Technology
  • Atsushi Okamoto Graduate School of Environmental Studies, Tohoku University, Sendai 980-8579, Japan
  • Noriyoshi Tsuchiya Graduate School of Environmental Studies, Tohoku University, Sendai 980-8579, Japan
  • Kenji Horie National Institute of Polar Research, Tachikawa, Tokyo 190-8518, Japan
  • Tomokazu Hokada National Institute of Polar Research, Tachikawa, Tokyo 190-8518, Japan
  • Dieter Mader Department of Lithospheric Research, University of Vienna, Althanstrafie 14 1090, Vienna. Austria
  • Christian Koeberl Department of Lithospheric Research, University of Vienna, Althanstrafie 14 1090, Vienna. Austria


granitoids, geochemical characteristics, Tseel terrane, SW Mongolia


In this study, geochemistry and geochronology of granitoids in the Tseel area of the Tseel terrane, SW Mongolia, are examined to constrain the tectonic setting for the igneous activity and its relation to metamorphism. The massive of granitoid in the central part of the Tseel area was dated to be 281.3 ± 1.1 Ma. Comparison with the previous geochronological studies on metapelites suggests that these granitoid intrusions occurred after the main metamorphic events. In the Tseel area, granitoids yield various ages including the Devonian and Permian ages. These granitoids show geochemical signatures for subduction-related magmatism, including the concave and negative anomalies of Eu in the REE pattern and enriched LILEs. The similarity in the geochemical signature between the Tseel terrane and the Chinese Altai implies that these regions are the same arc related system, which extended from SW Mongolia to Chinese Altai.


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How to Cite

Ulziiburen Burenjargal, Atsushi Okamoto, Noriyoshi Tsuchiya, Kenji Horie, Tomokazu Hokada, Dieter Mader, and Christian Koeberl. 2023. “Petrogenesis and Geochronology of Granitoids from the Tseel Terrane, SW Mongolia”. Geological Issues 14 (October):64-71.



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