A fluid inclusion and stable-isotope study of hydrothermal vein mineralization, Schwarzwald district, Germany


  • Baatartsogt Baldorj The Nuclear Energy Comission,Executive office, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
  • Thomas Wagner University of Tubingen, Germany
  • Gregor Markl University of Tubingen, Germany


Schwarzwald, fluid inclusion, Variscan, quartz, veins


A combined fluid inclusion and stable isotope study has been carried out on over 180 individual samples from 89 post-Variscan hydrothermal veins (Pb-Zn-Cu-bearing fluorite-barite-quartz veins, Co-Ni-Ag-Bi-U-bearing barite-fluorite-quartz veins and barren barite-fluorite-quartz veins) from the Schwarzwald district, Germany. The salinities of fluid inclusions in post-Variscan primary fluorite, calcite, barite and quartz are in the range of 22–25 wt.% equivalent (eqv.) NaCl, and the eutectic temperatures range between –57 and –45°C, indicating the presence of H2O-NaCl-CaCl2 fluids. Homogenization temperatures vary from 130 to 180°C. A low-salinity fluid (0 to 15 wt.% eqv. NaCl) was observed in some late stage fluorite, calcite and quartz samples, which were trapped similar temperature, range of high salinity fluids.

Raman microprobe analyses show that the only detectable volatile in the vapour is CO2. Almost all δ18O (n=86) measurements of quartz from the fluorite-bearing post-Variscan veins range between +11.1 and +20.9 ‰. The calculated δ18OH2O values are between –11.0 and +4.4 ‰, using known quartz-water fractionation and fluid inclusion homogenization temperatures. The δ18OH2O values of directly extracted fluid inclusion water of fluorites range from –11.6 to +1.1 ‰, very consistent with the calculated values. The δD values of fluid inclusion water in calcites (extracted from primary and late calcite samples) lie in a narrower range between –26 and –15 ‰. The extracted fluid inclusion water from quartz samples has significantly more variable δD values between –63 and +9 ‰. The δ13C and δ18O values of fluid inclusion gas (CO2) range between –21.4 and –6.7 ‰ and between –16.3 to –7.1 ‰, respectively.

Calculations for fluorite-barite-quartz veins combining oxygen isotope equilibria with microthermometric data result in quartz precipitation temperatures of 120–170°C at pressures between 0.3 to 0.5 kbar. The δ18OH2O and δD data, particularly the observed wide range in hydrogen isotopic compositions, indicate that the hydrothermal mineralization formed through large-scale mixing of a basement-derived saline NaCl-CaCl2 brine with meteoric water.


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How to Cite

Baldorj, Baatartsogt, Thomas Wagner, and Gregor Markl. 2023. “A Fluid Inclusion and Stable-Isotope Study of Hydrothermal Vein Mineralization, Schwarzwald District, Germany”. Geological Issues 16 (1):5-31. https://journal.num.edu.mn/geology/article/view/2258.



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