Зүйр цэцэн үг хэл-соёл судлалын судлагдахуун болох нь

Proverb аs аn Object оf Study in Linguoculturology


  • Otgonbayar M. Доктор PhD, АШУҮИС, БАС, Гадаад хэлний тэнхим




хэл-соёл судлал, хэл, соёл, сэтгэлгээ, хүн, үндэстэн


Each nationality has a rich foundation of folklore that can express its traditional culture, language, and mentality, and the proverb is seen as a vital component of such a foundation. In this article, we will consider proverbs as signs of the culture and mentality of all nations from the point of view of linguoculturology. As we expect, studies on proverbs within the context of linguoculturology will reveal the triple feedback of human-oriented culture-mentality-language. The traditional lifestyle is always reflected in the proverbs of each nationality. Therefore, the proverb is both language material and a cultural sign. The cultural signs can differ due to the lifestyle, farming, territory, and climate of countries where the mentality differs. Different mentalities create different languages, which can be expressed through this mentality. According to this feedback, the proverb is considered a linguocultural topic to be studied that can show the cultural difference between countries and nationalities; thus, it is essential to carry out studies on proverbs based on linguocultural aspects. Moreover, the proverb is not only a language phenomenon but also a combination of packaged knowledge of culture, and it has more cultural concepts than other language units, so it is worth studying from the point of view of linguoculturology.


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How to Cite

M., O. (2023). Зүйр цэцэн үг хэл-соёл судлалын судлагдахуун болох нь: Proverb аs аn Object оf Study in Linguoculturology. Mongolian Journal of Foreign Languages and Cultures, 27(585), 80–90. https://doi.org/10.22353/MJFLC2023108