Корйөгийн ван чхүнсөнъ-ий хатан будширэний улс төрийн байр суурь

Political position of Budshiren, the queen of Korea King Chungsun


  • Erdenechimeg G. МУИС, ШУС, Хүмүүнлэгийн Ухааны Салбар, Ази судлалын тэнхим




Хуанхоу, тайхоу, монгол гүнж, вөнъби


Будширин хатан бол Корйөгийн вангийн ордонд бэр болж очсон хоѐр дахь монгол гүнж бөгөөд Хубилай хааны ач хүү, жинь ван Гамалагийн охин юм. Чхүнсөнъ ван аавынхаа жишээгээр Корйөгийн вангийн угсаа залгамжлах эрхийг баталгаажуулахын тулд монгол гүнжтэй гэрлэсэн тул үндсэндээ улс төрийн зорилготой гэж болно. Ван сууринд суумагцаа Чхүнсөнъ, Корйөгийн улс төрд шинэчлэлт хийх оролдлого хийсэн авч амжилтанд хүрэлгүй наймхан сарын дараа огцроход хүрчээ. Их улс Юаны ―зарлаагүй элч‖ болох монгол хатантайгаа эв түнжингүй байсан болон гадаад харилцаандаа бага анхаарсан зэргийг дотоодын зарим хүчин улс төржүүлэн ашигладаг байв.

In the 13th and 14th centuries when the Koryo was intervened by the Yuan, it is the intermarriage between the Koryo (高麗) and the Yuan (元) royal families and many changes resulted from this intermarriage that are paid the most attention at the relationship of the two dynasties.The enthronement, dethronement, and restoration of King Chung-sun were related to the Princess Gye-kook, directly or indirectly. King Chung-sun raised the accident of Moo-bi by using the cause of the Princess Je-kook‘s death as an pretext to remove the political influence around the late king, and made the basic of taking power. After wards, he accident to the throne in 24th year of King Chun-ryol and had various reformation policies a trial to exterminate the maladministration of the late king. However, the political influence around King Chung-royl

dismissed by the reformation of King Chung-sun as raising the accident of Cho‘s jealousy by making use of the Princess Gye-kook‘s jealousy in order to restore its power. As a result of this event, In-Kyu Cho, who was a father of Queen Cho and a influential man most nearby King Chung-sun, was expelled and the reformation of King Chung-sun was a dissipated because of the intervention of the Yuan. Moreover, this event was a decisive momentum , which made him be dethroned only in 7 months after acceding to the throne. The people who were against the enthronement of King Chung-sun intended to remove him by remarriage of the Queen even though he stayed in the Yuan. Finally, King Chun-sun could be restored to the throne as gaining an advantage over in this movement.




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How to Cite

G., E. (2023). Корйөгийн ван чхүнсөнъ-ий хатан будширэний улс төрийн байр суурь: Political position of Budshiren, the queen of Korea King Chungsun. Mongolian Journal of Foreign Languages and Cultures, 17(387), 279–285. https://doi.org/10.22353/MJFLC2013137