1277 онд гуулин улсын вангаас хөх гүрний хубилай хаанд илгээсэн айлтгал
The offering letter which was sent by king of korea to king khubilai of yuan dynasty
Since Mongolia had ancient statehood traditions, it had diplomatic relations with numerous countries in the course of its history and different ways of establishing and maintaining relations such as sending letters or messengers to the Eastern and Western countries.
The State documents related to foreign relations are valuable historical sources in any country. They are significant not only as historical sources, but also as evidence of the development, traditions and culture of the country at that time. There are a number of documents related to diplomatic relations between Korean and Mongolia, which both have languages of the Altaic language family. It is proper to study relations between Mongolia and Korea in the XIII-XIV centuries with regard to the related historical era and place.
Relations between Mongolia and Korea, countries with ancient oriental cultures, with statehood traditions, were established from earliest times. As some scholars view, there are a number of facts and data that mentioned very close, dependable relations between two countries.
It can be said that the issue of Mongolian-Korean relations has been studied adequately. Such research works as “To the issue of the origin of Mongolian and Koreans nations and their languages” and “Correspondence between Mongolia and Korea in the XIII-XIV centuries” by B. Sumiyabaatar have become the main important handbooks for researchers.
It is crucially important to study correspondence between Mongolian and Korean states as a historical source. For example, researching correspondence between Mongolia and Korea in the XIII-XIV centuries, one can learn many facts related to the history, culture, arts, livelihood, customs, medicine, military of Mongolia at that period.
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