Монгол солонгос хэлний албан бичгийн найруулгa, тэдгээрийн харьцуулал

Stylistics and comparision between Mongolian and korean formal writing


  • Khandarmaa L. Докторант, Улаанбаатарын Их Сургууль, Гадаад хэлний тэнхим, Солонгос хэлний салбар



найруулга зүй, албан бичгийн найруулга, найруулгын онцлог, харьцуулал


A formal writing style in any language is the most important document during the course of any social regime and it is a tool for managing and transferring various relations including state relations, international relations and relations between an entity and individuals in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. It is necessary to study stylistics of formal writing in order to write a correct and official “documentum”. Particularly, documents such as decrees, orders, ordinances, decisions, resolution letters and statements must be written in accordance with application rules, standards, expressions and methods.

Requirements for formal writing style include briefness, clearness, appropriateness, understandability, simplicity, truth, accuracy and transparency in meaning and it is within the related standarts and samples. At the present time, where demand for development and exchange of official documents in foreign languages  and its translation  into other languages increases, we are required to examine rules, methods and requirements for a formal writing style; to compare it to the formal writing style of our own language; to differetiate similarities and differences between them.


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How to Cite

L., K. (2023). Монгол солонгос хэлний албан бичгийн найруулгa, тэдгээрийн харьцуулал: Stylistics and comparision between Mongolian and korean formal writing. Mongolian Journal of Foreign Languages and Cultures, 19(430), 64–74.