Япон хэлний баймж утга, түүний ангилал
The category of modality in japanese language and Its classifications
баймж утга, хэлзүйн хэлбэр, ангилалAbstract
The category of modality is one of the most important factors of creating a sentence in any language. Thus, there are some needs for research on the issue of modality within a comparative study of Mongolian and Japanese languages. We intended to write about the semantics of modality in Japanese, its grammatical forms and ways to correspond them with the semantics of modality in Mongolian language at this time. In addition, we tried to make a comparison on the concepts and classifications of modality of Japanese linguists.
Монгол хэлээр:
Ю. Мөнх-Амгалан “Орчин цагийн монгол хэлний баймжийн ай” УБ., 1998
Араи Шиничи Катоо Ёшио “Хэл шинжлэлийн тухай нэр томьёоны эмхэтгэл” Осака., 1998
Б.Сэржав. Япон-Монгол толь бичиг. УБ.,2009
Гадаад хэлээр:
庵(いおり) 功雄(いさお) 「新しい日本語学入門言葉の仕組みを考える」 スリーエーネットワーク2001年5月7日
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