Бичих дадлын хичээлээр оюутанд эзэмшүүлэх зарим чадварууд

Teaching some skills of writing


  • Namjil S. МУИС, ШУС, Хүмүүнлэгийн Ухааны Салбар, Их Британи, Америк судлалын тэнхим




бичгийн ажил, багаар гүйцэтгэх бие даалтын даалгавар, номын санд ажиллах, сэдвийн сурвалж материал


Our experience of the writing skills class meant writing compositions, taking tests and exams at all stages of our educational establishments. This article is an account of attempts to enrich the course contents and increase the responsibility of both students and teachers.  Writing on a specific theme or report writing is an advanced-level English course offered to English major students pursuing a four year diploma program. The following techniques are listed and briefly explained according to the major skill area, but some can be used across skill boundaries. In the modern environment, where English language is widely used in public and private sectors of Mongolia, where it is necessary to create official papers and documents in the English language, a writing skills course is crucially vital for the future carrier of our students. However, in our curriculum a writing skills course is offered for four hours a week up to the advanced level. In my opinion, we have to increase the number of weekly hours of the course. The method of student – centered report-writing should be offered not only to English major students, but also students at the Business School, Law School and School of Computer Sciences.  


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McGinley, K 1985, Finding and using books.

Beazley, Malcolm. R. 1983 The development of languagewriting abilities in students of English speaking backgrounds-policies and programs

Stevick, W. Earl 1976, Psychological Rudiments of Language Learning

Gagne, Robert M. 1988, The Conditions of learning



How to Cite

S., N. (2023). Бичих дадлын хичээлээр оюутанд эзэмшүүлэх зарим чадварууд : Teaching some skills of writing. Mongolian Journal of Foreign Languages and Cultures, 19(430), 168–172. https://doi.org/10.22353/MJFLC2015113